· Always be grateful

Gratitude is the most important gesture to be happy. Being grateful for things you have and things you receive not only give you happiness but also gives you emotional satisfaction. It also makes the giver happy. Being grateful brings back for situations to you to be grateful about.

· Experience matters than achievements

Always remember that experience is more important than achievement. Never get motivated by failure because failure helps you learn a new lesson and gives you experience. The first ranked would never know how to do a particular job unless he has experience. So don’t worry even if you don’t achieve something to be happy that you gained experience. Try new things just to get experience and learn.

· Be positive verbally

Speak positive words. Let positivity flow out of your mouth. Don’t abuse anybody, don’t criticize anyone. Instead praise someone for their achievements, console people for their loss. Spread positivity with your words and thoughts. Positivity inside you will make you happy.

· Surround yourself with people you love

Surround yourself with your family and friends. People whom you love and people who love you. Your friends and family are your moral support. They are the ones who keep your confidence up. They give you enough positive energy to stay happy.

· Keep body and mind healthy

Exercise and meditate to keep your mind and body healthy. Eat healthily and think positive. If you engage your mind in negative thoughts try replacing them with positive ones. A healthy body and a healthy mind is key to your happiness.

Also read,

7 habits to adopt for a happy life

Things grateful people believe in

7 values to adopt for a happy life

How to realise and grow your self-worth?