It is said that everyone experiences stress and changes from time to time, but it is sometimes seen as beneficial and can motivate us, many a time it is seen that prolonged stress can be hazardous to both our physical and mental health. Various things such as work, relationships, family issues and financial problems can cause stress in life. Many times, for some people, stress causes or forces them to adopt unhealthy ways and methods such as smoking or drinking which creates a lot of problems in the life of people. Knowing what causes you stress and managing these problems effectively, ultimately, is the healthiest and most effective way to feel good and live a happy life.

Consulting a counsellor is an important step that should be taken A mentor has an experience and potential contacts which he/she can share with you They recognize your problems and can help you resolve mistakes and pitfalls that they might have experienced in their career the patient takes the call but the counsellor does all he can to get the patients make decision keeping with the diagnosis. Counselors are able to convey acceptance to their patients with love and warmth. The counsellor tries to direct the patient’s thinking by informing, explaining, interpreting and advising counselling leads to a voluntary choice of goals and a conscious selection of course of action. . At the end of the day, this is your life & your livelihood.

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