If your anxiety has started creeping in and your stress has reached its high then your need to practice the following yoga tactics to relieve stress.

1. Hero pose

Best Yoga Tactics For People Having High Stress

This pose will help you to find stillness as you focus on your breathing.
· Kneel down and ensure that your knees are together and your feet are wider than your hips.
· As you kneel make sure that the top of your feet is flat on the ground. (place a cushion if uncomfortable.)
· Keep your hands on your thighs.
· Lengthen your spine as you sit straight and thrust your chest out.
· Stay in this position for 5 minutes.

2. Tree pose

Best Yoga Tactics For People Having High Stress 2

This pose would help you focus on yourself and your inward thoughts. It is the best way to quiet your rushing thoughts.
· Stand on two legs. Then lift your left leg off the ground and balance your weight on the right foot.
· Turn the sole of your left foot inside and place the foot on your right thigh.
· Do not press your foot into your knee.
· Position your hands in front of you in a praying position or you can just let it lose beside you.
· Stay in the position for 2 minutes and then change the side.

3. Standing Forward Bend

Best Yoga Tactics For People Having High Stress 3

This is the best position to calm your mind and relieve your tensed muscles.
· Stand with your feet hips apart and place your hands on your waist.
· Keeping a slight bend in your knees, bend forward at your hips while exhaling.
· Place your hands on the floor.
· Put your chin inwards towards the chest.
· Let go the tension in your lower back and hips
· Stay in the position for a minute
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