When we hear the word, true love, we start thinking about our girlfriend or crush. Whether we admit it or not, many of us are seeking to find our perfect partner. We long to have that certain person with whom we can share everything. Every romantic series or movie shows you how adorable and cute it is to have true love with you. But in real love is no joke. Love is can be a powerful as well as dangerous emotion at the same time. This is why you have to be careful and keep fewer expectations while finding a partner: –

  • Be the best version of yourself. Don’t try to enact a person you think may make your crush fall in love with you. Fake only lasts for a little while.
  • Don’t keep any undue expectations. This is real life, not a movie. The prince charming and princess Cinderella love story only happened in a movie. Keep your life simple and unchanged.
  • Don’t ask for a handsome hunk or a beautiful fairy. Find the person who understands and connects with the inner you. Afterall beauty is what’s inside a person.
  • Share everything with your partner. Open yourself to them. Keep nothing bottled up inside you. Express every concern and experience with them.
  • Don’t compare your life with others.  Your life is as beautiful as it is. Embrace the qualities that your partner brings to the relationship. Don’t ask them to change for you.
  • Maintain mutual respect. Both have to respect and support the decisions you make. If you have to, disagree with kindness and talk calmly.
  • Care for each other, mentally as well as physically. Be there for her in sickness and take care of her. Don’t abuse verbally or say things that might hurt someone’s feelings. This is about taking care of their mental health.

If you still don’t find the person that is perfect for you, keep patience. Meanwhile, gain some love from your parents and family. Spend more time with your friends. Get a pet and express your love for it. You don’t necessarily have to have a girlfriend or boyfriend.