Losing your sense of self

Do you frequently appear to be sucked into relationships? When you’re in a relationship, does your sense of self vanish?

Whether you’ve been married for years or are just starting to date, this “loss of self” occurs when the other person or relationship becomes your identity.

Dependency is healthy; codependency is not

Your name changes to “Mary, Jim’s girlfriend” or just “Jim’s girlfriend” in place of “Mary”. This is pleasant, especially in the intense early stages of a relationship.

In fact, in the early stages of a budding relationship, this compulsive trait is extremely typical. But when it’s one-sided—when your partner isn’t equally motivated to help and please you—when that’s it’s unhealthy.

1. You can maintain a strong sense of self in relationships

2. Understanding your preferences and what matters to you

3. Asking for what you want rather than constantly caving into their desires

4. Spending time with one’s own family and friends

5. Pursuing your objectives

6. Preserving your morals

7. Scheduling time for your interests and activities

8. Saying “no” when something doesn’t feel right or doesn’t work for you

9. Taking some time to oneself

10. Not hiding or keeping yourself “little” to appease others

Two whole people who work together to support one another are said to be in an interdependent relationship, or healthy reliance. You gain trust and protection from this interdependence, which aids in navigating the outside world, but you are not dependent on the other person or the connection for your identity or sense of value.


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