Most of the time, we often keep thinking about what is going to happen tomorrow, or we keep stuff pending for another day. We always care more about what will happen to us in the future rather than enjoying the present. But thinking that one or the other day we all are going to die can be the best motivation for us.
If we think like that, we care about our present, about ourselves and we enjoy the moment. Thoughts about death can encourage us to live a life true to ourselves. Knowing that you are going to die is the nicest way to prevent the trap of thinking you have something to lose.

It puts your true preferences into focus. There’s no decent way to bring priorities into focus than to think about your deathbed regrets.

It pulls you out of your mental routine. Ample of us are in a mental routine we’re not even conscious of. We are just busy with our daily schedules. We never stop to consider the true nature of our existence. When you understand that you could die at any moment, you start to enjoy the journey. You try to know what you want to achieve before you die and work towards it. But at the same time enjoy the journey along the way.

At last, no one wishes to die. Even people who prefer to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet, death is the fate we all share. No individual has ever escaped it, and that is how it should be because death is very likely the single best creation of life. It is life’s change method. It clears out the old to make a path for the new.

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