· The miracle of mindfulness

The book is written by the master of Zen meditation and one of a Zen monk, Thich Nhat Hanh. In this book, he explains the benefits of mindfulness and how you can practice meditation in your daily activities. He has combined exercise with tales to help you find inner peace.

· Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill

This book is written by Matthieu Ricard who was a French scientist, who later turned into a Buddhist monk. In this book, he explains that happiness can be developed and is a skill and not just an emotion. According to him inner peace and happiness lies in within and has nothing to do with external circumstances. In this book he also provide exercises that will help us concentrate on important things in life.

· The wisdom of insecurity

In this book Alan Watts explains about man’s quest for psychological security. According to him we are constantly going through anxiety and dissatisfaction and insecurity. He tells us that our insecurity is the result of us wanting to be secure. So it’s better that we live in the moment as nothing can save us from our fate. He states that the road to inner peace is living in the present rather than worrying about the future.

· The Zen commandments

The book is written by Dean Sluyter. He wrote this book by taking inspiration from the Dalai Lama and many others. In this book he has started 10 Zen commandments for achieving inner peace. Some of them include letting go, practising kindness, compassion etc.

· The Dalai Lama’s Little Book Of Inner Peace: The Essential Life And Teachings

In this book, the Dalai Lama talks about his personal life and experiences, that gave him a better understanding of the world. He also teaches how to live a peaceful and fulfilling life. He also talks about basic fundamentals like love, respect and integrity. This book is of great help to find inner peace and to help change the world.

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