Because they could tell you planned to work late into the night, your coworkers respected you for your commitment to your work. As you valiantly filled out TPS reports beneath a flickering fluorescent light, they would leave one by one, stopping to salute you on their way out.

According to this line of reasoning, you proved that you were a harder worker by staying physically present at your desk for an additional hour than your peers. More hours worked equates to more productivity. You’d make the perfect employee by giving up any attempt at a life outside of work.

But this was never the case at all. Working late neither demonstrates a commitment to the job nor boosts output.

Why it’s never a good idea to stay late at work

Yes, we do mean it. One issue is if your company absolutely demands that you remain late to complete a unique job. But you might want to reconsider that assumption if it’s a conscious choice made to enhance your image or show your unwavering dedication to the business.

The reality is that your employer is frequently unaware of the “additional job” you are performing. If they do notice, they aren’t noticing the link between increased productivity and time spent at the workplace. Warning: there is no connection between the two.

1. Your physical and emotional health will suffer if you work too much.
Elon Musk stated last year that his workload had decreased from a “very acceptable” 120 hours per week to a “little bit more manageable” 80–90 hours. This humblebrag was released at the same time that he was frequently having Twitter meltdowns, which is not unexpected.

2. Working too much really lowers productivity
What therefore qualifies as “overwork”? It varies from person to person, but in my opinion, it’s the moment at which work-related stress starts to influence your capacity to perform your job well outside of work. The cutoff point is maybe 50 hours per week for certain people. Others might just need 32 hours a week.

3. Bringing coworkers into conflict by staying late at work
Staying late at work not only negatively impacts your mind and body, but it also irritates your coworkers.

Source: Jostle

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