A bad or unexpected breakup can cause troubled feelings which may hinder your everyday life.

Here are the ways to avoid breakup to wreak havoc on your mental health.

1. Cut contact

Important step after a breakup is to cut all ties with your ex-partner. It might be difficult at first but if you want to have healthy relationships in future you need to cut the contact.

Also, contact with your ex will bring back memories and would interfere with your breakup recovery.

2. Discard all the reminders

All the things that are related to your ex should be either donated, thrown out or hidden away until you are ready to see it away with any hard feelings. These things could be gifts, pictures, love letters or more. Unfollow your ex on all the social media handles.

3. Pamper yourself

After a breakup, self care is important, as it tends to hamper your self-esteem. You can watch your favourite TV shows or treat yourself with a favourite meal. End your day by pondering over the good things that happened to you throughout the day.

4. Let it out

Breakups result in emotional reactions which should not be ignored. When you bottle up the feelings of pain and frustrations, you tend to delay your breakup recovery process. It is healthy to vent out your feelings to your most trusted friends.

5. Give yourself the time to heal

The best way to keep your mental health healthy after a breakup is to give yourself the time to heal.
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