Pornography is causing problems in more and more relationships, according to a growing percentage of couples. Pornography consumption has been linked to poor relationship quality and stability in both dating and married couples, according to research. It’s been connected to divorce as well.

But what exactly is it about porn that causes relationships to suffer?

1. Absurd expectations

Pornography is a multibillion-dollar industry. To be successful, it must be visually appealing and immediately attract your attention. It is a sort of entertainment in which actors perform. Your sex life is very different from a 30-minute sitcom, just as your marriage and family life are. We automatically bring our expectations to the bedroom when we load our minds with misleading pictures of porn. This results in disappointment for the husband and shattered self-esteem for the wife.

2. Loss of intimacy and trust

The majority of wives, if not all, consider their husband’s watching of pornography to be infidelity. Another woman has been introduced into your relationship, even if it’s just her image, and she now has to compete with it. Constantly watching porn will destroy the trust you’ve built in your marriage until it’s completely gone. Meanwhile, the ability to truly feel intimate with each other is eroding at the same rate as trust.

3. Creates a sense of shame and emptiness

A porn addict’s acts will be justified in his mind. He’ll find someone to blame, whether it’s his wife or his life, but what he’s trying to hide is his shame. Imagine the best sex you’ve ever had with your wife, as well as the pleasure that followed. Pornography has little potential of eliciting that emotion. It’s not real, and it simply leaves guilt and emptiness in its wake.

All addictions work in the same way. You’ll need more and stronger forms of your addiction as time goes on. No matter how much is consumed over time, the fulfilled sensation experienced at the start can never be achieved. A porn addict is similar to a heroin addict in that they are both desperate to find that high that they can’t seem to find.

In the end, the addict must choose between seeking assistance and watching his life crumble piece by piece.

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