While you are unsure whether what is happening is typical or if you two are moving too slowly, here are some signals you may look for to better grasp the situation.

They never take the initiative

Whether it’s a simple text exchange or making plans to meet up over the weekend, if you find yourself initiating everything, it’s not a good indicator. It’s fine to text or call first if your partner is equally eager to chat with you and you believe they are interested. To grow a relationship, both parties must be equally invested. A one-sided attraction is certain to fail.

It’s Always Your Partner

It’s important to look after your partner’s needs, but you should stop if you feel taken for granted. Check to see whether it’s always about them and how they want things to be. They prioritize themselves in the relationship and may even take advantage of you in some way. Perhaps it is accidental, and this is who they are, but consider how long you can be in a relationship if you are not loved and cared for.

You don’t get together very often.

Is it usually you who asks them out and makes plans to meet? Is your partner often complaining about needing space? If you’re in a relationship and your partner is still hesitant to meet, you should be concerned. This could indicate that your partner isn’t entirely interested in you. Is it due to your nagging that your partner occasionally asks first? Are there any hidden ulterior motives? It’s about priorities.

Your partner isn’t very open with you.

When you’ve been in a relationship for a lengthy time, you expect your spouse to communicate their feelings with you. If it hasn’t been a long time, it’s fine to be reserved so you don’t scare the other person away. However, after a reasonable amount of time together, the same conduct becomes concerning. If your partner doesn’t share much, he or she may not feel close to you. They don’t consider you to be someone who understands them. Perhaps they don’t trust you with their emotions and secrets.

Also Read: Do You Often Feel Insecure In Your Relationship? Here Are Signs To Check: Part 1