This global pandemic that started from China has rendered many people jobless, leaving them with no source of income and creating financial distress. Some people who are still working are worried about salary cuts or even getting fired due to no profit or sales of merchandise in this period. However not all fields are in distress due to this lockdown. Some sections are in more demand than before and require employees. Here is a list of jobs that are still in demand even in the lockdown period: –

  • Software engineer – Software engineering is a computer discipline that requires you so apply systematic applications of engineering approaches to create, maintain or develop software. As long as we depend on computers, software engineering jobs will never get old.
  • Database administrator – All the projects and assignments that use computers and the internet require a database system. The database administrator is involved in managing the same database system and maintaining and security of the system. A good database administrator must have detailed knowledge of database systems and provide unique solutions for performance tuning.
  • Graphic designer – The work of a graphic designer involves around working with editing software and creating decent videos. It also involves animating and creating quality effects with your editing skills. It also requires the ability to design attractive posters or banners.
  • Insurance salesman – Reports suggest that COVID-19 has increased the number of insurance policies people take. Everyone now is worried about keeping finance ready if anyone in the family should fall ill. Getting an insurance or medical claim can be a good option and hence being an insurance salesman provides you with a lot of job options.
  • Web developer – Since the commencement of lockdown, many people have started with their businesses and many of them are also creating websites to expand their business. A web developer is someone who designs a website and manages it for you. They aim to create a first-class web interface of a client and help him maintain and keep developing it.

Most of the jobs are based in information technology since all other businesses are shutdown except the internet. These jobs require in-depth computer knowledge and mastery in information technology.