INFP Personality means introversion, intuition, feeling, and perceiving. They are individuals who are highly curious, inquisitive, innovative, optimistic as well as inspiring teammates.

You can dig deeper into the INFP careers after understanding your personality type. Here are the best careers for INFP personalities.

1. Artist

The INFP is the creative individuals who perceive their artistic endeavors. Their art speaks to the preference of their work and helps them to acquire project-based meaningful work. They devised works for various organizations, publications, and independent sales. They express themselves through the use of different media.

2. Professor/ Coach

Since students and the INFP personality share the same core values, they can help the students by encouraging and supporting them to achieve the desired results. They can be amazing coaches as they are dedicated, generous, and passionate. Using compassion, they motivate others by communicating and developing good relations.

3. Librarian

INFP makes a good librarian as its main focus is on helping others. They possess good communication skills and intuitions in order to help the visitors, researchers, and students that visit the library.

As the field demands, librarians are also compassionate and patient.

4. Social Workers

The typical qualities of INFP are problem-solving and good communication skills which are essential for social workers. They work towards personal fulfillment and help others.

Their open-mindedness and values make them suitable as social workers. Furthermore, they can connect with people on an emotional level and their intuition makes them successful in this field.

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Also Read: INFJ Personality? Here Are Best Careers For You