Are you a yoga addict? Want to follow a safe pregnancy yoga pose? Well, here are 5 safe and effective yoga poses that will make you feel better and aid your delivery.

1. Unicorn and Rainbow Pose (Cow and Cat)

Pregnant & Yoga Addicted? Here Are 5 Prenatal Yoga Poses Just For You

This pose is the right choice for the first trimester. This cat and cow pose operates in strengthening and maintaining the flexibility in the abdomen and lower back.


  • Start on all fours
  • Inhale and face the ceiling, raising the breastbone and tailbone upwards.
  • Exhale and round the back in the shape of a rainbow.

2. Garland Pose

Pregnant & Yoga Addicted? Here Are 5 Prenatal Yoga Poses Just For You 1

This is another pose to be followed in the first trimester. It improves your flexibility in squatting, which pose is chosen for labour and delivery.

The motion of hips joints is improved.


  • Stand with feet wider than the hips and position your toes at 45 degree angle. Join your hands at your chest.
  • Squat down until your hips are just above the ground.

3. Puppy Pose

Pregnant & Yoga Addicted? Here Are 5 Prenatal Yoga Poses Just For You 2

This second trimester pregnancy yoga pose works in stretching the lower back while supporting the upper body weight.


  • Stand tall with feet wide apart with your hips.
  • Place your hands on the wall in front.
  • Walk back until your torso is parallel to the ground.
  • Stretch your tailbone towards the back and contract your thigh muscles.

4. Hip Circle

Pregnant & Yoga Addicted? Here Are 5 Prenatal Yoga Poses Just For You 3

The third trimester hip circle movement engages the core while stretching the hips and lower back.


  • Start on all fours.
  • Slowly circle your hips in one direction, pause and then change the direction.
  • Make sure to keep a slight bend in your knees.

5. Standing Lateral Stretch

Pregnant & Yoga Addicted? Here Are 5 Prenatal Yoga Poses Just For You 4

This third trimester yoga pose stretches the sides of the body.


  • Stand with feet hips apart.
  • Raise your arms over your head and interlace the fingers. Turn the palms upwards.
  • Inhale and stretch your spine up with your arms.
  • Exhale and reach over to the left while bending slightly.
  • Try three to five breaths on the left side and then change the sides.

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Also Read: Easy Yoga Poses To Teach Your Children For A Healthy