Doing Cardio workouts regularly daily depends on various factors, such as health, fitness, and the intensity and duration of your activities. Young Adults doing moderate-intensity cardio exercises such as jogging, swimming, cycling, and brisk walking, work out for at least 30 minutes daily. They do it for at least six days and have a day’s rest, providing multiple health benefits, improving cardiovascular health, maintaining weight management, and reducing diseases.

However, doing a high-intensity cardio workout daily, high-intensity interval training benefits include aerobic fitness, blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, abdominal fat, and body weight while maintaining muscle mass. While doing this workout, it is essential to give attention to your body when you feel fatigued or experience pain or discomfort; at that time, you have to take rest and, on another day, switch to an intensity workout.

Some people might find it beneficial to do cardio daily, but your objectives should be reflected in the days and minutes you spend doing cardio each week. Cardio exercise is excellent for encouraging weight loss, but focusing only on cardio at the cost of weight training may cause your fitness regimen to become uneven.

Most people can perform low-intensity cardio daily, such as taking long walks, and get a fantastic workout. However, even if weight loss is your primary objective, high-intensity cardio, such as interval training or incorporating strength exercises into aerobic circuits, should only be performed four to five times per week at most. You may have to build up to this level, and while it is good for your health, it should be done with caution.