Lifting weights

When you’re expecting, lifting weights is a good strategy to build your muscular tone. Just do more reps (i.e. 12 to 15 in a set) with a lighter weight than usual. To lessen the risk of damage, you might wish to switch to equipment that limits your range of motion. Isometric motions, in which you hold stationary in a specific position, should be avoided since if you fail to breathe (a typical mistake!), you could easily become lightheaded. Instead, use light weights with several repetitions. Don’t forget to stretch when you’ve finished!


A pregnancy-appropriate Pilates programme focuses on low- to no-impact core strengthening and muscle lengthening, which will help relieve backaches and improve posture as well as flexibility. To avoid overstretching or other moves that aren’t suitable for pregnancy, look for a class designed exclusively for pregnant women or inform your teacher that you’re expecting.


Barre classes, which include Pilates, yoga, and ballet-inspired routines, are ideal for pregnant women because they strengthen the lower body and core without requiring much hopping. They also include balance exercises, which can help you maintain your balance while your baby bump throws you off. Before you begin class, inform your instructor that you are pregnant so that he or she may provide you with adaptations for the few movements that may place more strain on your abdomen.


Prenatal yoga is another excellent activity for expectant mothers: it encourages relaxation, flexibility, focus, and deep breathing, all of which are helpful in preparing for childbirth. Look for a pregnancy-specific yoga class or ask your regular yoga instructor to modify the techniques for you. Bikram (hot) yoga should be avoided since it demands skipping exercises that are too hot for you.

Also Read: Self-Care: Avoid eating these 6 things during pregnancy