If you’ve decided to become a parent or are expecting your second child, family planning is crucial. It’s critical to take the proper precautions to maintain your health and feel ready to begin trying to conceive. Here are five tips that will help you to do effective family planning.

1) Know if you are ready

The first and foremost step towards family planning is to be sure if you are ready to welcome a baby. Having a baby comes with a set of responsibilities and roles, and you must be sure if you are ready to gracefully take up these added responsibilities.

2) Good Physical Health

When you’re ready to have a family, it’s critical to ensure that you’re physically fit in order to have a successful pregnancy. Being healthy before conception can assist you in having a better probability of becoming pregnant. It can also help you avoid pregnancy issues if you do become pregnant.

3) Keep a Record of Your Menstrual Cycle

Tracking your menstrual cycle is another good technique to begin family planning. It will assist you in determining when your fertile phases are during the month.

4)  Give up consumption of alcohol

If you’re pregnant or trying to conceive, don’t drink alcohol. Alcohol has the potential to harm your unborn child. Drinking during pregnancy can harm your kid in the long run, and the more you drink, the higher the danger. Likewise, smoking too has effects on the newborn baby.

5) Quit smoking

As per NHS reports, several health concerns have been related to smoking during pregnancy, including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), miscarriage, respiratory issues, or wheezing in the first six months of life.

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