All of us have a different journey in life that is very unique to each one of us. But many a time’s people compare themselves with others in terms of money earnings, success, career, relationships and many other things in life. Especially with social media where everyone is flaunting their happy side, you start comparing what you see on social media with your struggles and battles in life. This often leads to a feeling of disappointment and sadness as it affects us. The very first step to being happy is to stop comparing oneself with others. When we compare ourselves with others, we miss out on motivation, inspiration, and happiness.
It is important for us to understand that each one has a different journey. While someone may achieve success too soon, others might have to wait patiently while things work out for them. Comparing oneself with others leads to anxiety and negative thoughts in the mind which affects one’s mental health.
Here are a few ways to stop comparing yourself with others.
1) Be grateful for the things you have in your life. When you feel thankful for your blessings, you automatically stop analyzing and comparing your life with others.
2) When you are grateful, it leads to a feeling of contentment. Feeling content with one’s life is one of the greatest feelings for being happy.
3) Set limits on the amount of time you spend on social media and concentrate on your own life.
4) Be motivated by the success of others and take it as an inspiration to do good for yourself. This will help you be happier and feel free.
Here’s why you should not compare yourself with others.
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