Little stress is not so bad, it can act as a good motivator however, stress can negatively impact your performance on duty as well as affect your physical and mental health. There are many ways to control and reduce stress which will keep you more relaxed in your military and home life.

Ways to manage stress for a combat veteran are as follows:

1. Self-care is important and hence you should take good care of yourself. Make sure to get enough sleep and follow a proper schedule for exercising. Eat healthy food and make sure to drink enough water throughout the day.

2. Adopt a ‘can-do’ attitude and have a positive outlook towards life. Divert your energy on the things that make you feel happy.

3. Laugh from time to time. It would help you stay upbeat in life.

4. Discover ways of relaxing yourself. Take deep breaths and imagine yourself in a peaceful and calm setting. You can take nature walks, listen to soothing music or even read interesting books.

5. Engage in activities that you enjoy the most and plan for some ‘me time.’

6. It is also important to identify the time when you are stressed. Too much stress can lead to back pain, headaches, upset stomach, trouble sleeping or even fatigue. It is important to detect them at early stages before they become overwhelming.

7. Focus on things that are under your control. If things are out of your control, it is better to let it go rather than beating yourself up for it.

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