Not sure whether the beautiful and sweet girl that you’ve recently met is into you or is just playing with your heart?

Well, here are the signs that would help you determine whether a girl is truly playing with your heart or not.

1. She prefers everything good

Whenever you take a girl out and she always prefers to go to the best places or makes you buy the best things for her, it is a clear indication that she is looking for a credit card rather than your heart.

2. You feel something slightly off

It is better to trust your intuition. When you feel that something is not right, it definitely means something is wrong in the relationship.

3. You can’t emotionally connect with her

If your conversations are never really intense or she refrains from talking much about her personal life, it is a red sign for you. You might talk every day about things but nothing might open her up to you emotionally.

4. She takes forever to reply

If a girl is not quick to reply to you over a text or a call, then she is not really interested in the relationship. No matter how busy people are, they will reply quickly to their dear ones.

5. She hardly ever remembers the minute details

Small things matter a lot in a relationship. The little details about the partners in a relationship make a difference.

6. She talks about her ex a lot

If a girl frequently talks about her ex and time spent with him, it is a huge sign that you are not the one for her.

7. She is hardly there when you need her

During troubled times, you might find yourself all alone rather than being consoled by her.
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