Lemon is not simply a fruit, but also a mystical substance, according to aromatherapy, that may cause the body to react physiologically. It is beneficial for the skin and even internal organs since it is loaded with essential nutrients including vitamin C, vitamins A and B, copper, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and strong antioxidants. Who knows how? Sliced lemons placed next to your bed at night have been revealed via study to aid with respiratory issues, air quality, and sleep.

Better breathing

Lemon has a lot of antioxidants and antibacterial capabilities when seen from an elemental perspective. It helps the breathing process and clears the nasal channel when breathed while sleeping. Placing a lemon next to the bed should become a habit for those who have asthma or sinus problems since it helps to open up the airways.

Improves air quality

Lemon’s detoxifying qualities make it a useful tool for raising air quality. Researchers claim that it emits a powerful perfume that somewhat improves the air quality in the room and around the bed.

Pain relief

According to aromatherapy, breathing lemon as you sleep reduces the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and headaches. According to a study done at the University of Maryland Medical Center, pregnant women who breathed lemon essential oil had less dread and anxiety than other women.

Stress buster

Lemon is a natural “stress-buster,” aromatherapists say. Serotonin production is boosted, and anxiety and mood swings are controlled. The pleasant molecule in the brain, serotonin, balances sadness while regulating mood.

Source: times of india

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