Getting your favourite t-shirt stained with vegetable oil may cause your mood to be greasy. But don’t worry fellas, I have got 3 methods for you to get rid of the kitchen stains from your clothes.

  • To get rid of stains from cotton, polyester, rayon and denim all you need is paper napkins, baking soda, an old toothbrush and dish soap.


· Dab the oil stain with a paper napkin to remove the excess oil.

· Put some baking soda on the stain

· Let the baking soda settle there for 30 to 60 minutes and then scrub with an old toothbrush

· Now pour some dish soap and wash the cloth in the washing machine.

  • To get rid of stains from wool or cashmere, you need cornstarch, cold water, dish soap and a large paper sheet.


· Cover the stain with cornstarch and scrub gently after 30 minutes.

· Fill a tub with cold water and add a few drops of dish soap.

· Now put the woollen sweater into the water and let it soak in for 2 to 3 minutes. Make sure to not wring or twist it.

· After draining the dirty water, rinse the garment with fresh water and dry it off by rolling it up in a towel.

  • For clothes like chiffon and silk, harsh scrubbing can destroy the cloth. In such cases, talcum powder, baby powder and even cornstarch come in handy.


· All you have to do is cover the stain with any of the powders and leave the garment in a dry and warm place for a few hours.

· Dust off the powder later and repeat this action until the stain vanishes.

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