Are you excessively using your social media while just scrolling through the content? Well, here are some simple ways to get rid of scrolling social media the whole day.

1. Set a time for social media

If you want to reduce your screen time then you need to set a specific time for your social media. You allot a specific time to surf through your social media accounts. You can take help of timers on your social media apps or download timer apps.

2. Delete the apps

Deleting your social media apps is a good choice even though it feels like a challenge. It is better to delete the apps when you are working or on weekdays. You can reinstall it later.

3. Turn off the notifications

Notifications are distracting and it gets hard to stay away from the phone when it buzzes with notification. You’d be more productive and reduce your screen time when you turn off your notifications.

4. Do not sleep with your phone

Keeping your phone beside you tempts you to scroll through your social media. And when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you’d do is scroll through your social media accounts. Therefore it is better to keep your phone away from you when you sleep.

5. Keep your phone out of sight

When you feel like nothing is working, just keep your phone in another room so that it is completely out of your reach and you can complete your work in peace.
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