Yes, it is possible to protect oneself by avoiding specific people. Not all people are healthy or beneficial for us to be around. Setting boundaries or separating ourselves from toxic or dangerous people is sometimes essential to prioritize our well-being and safety. Here are a few scenarios in which you should avoid particular people:

1. Toxic Relationship – If you are in a relationship with someone who habitually shows toxic behaviours such as emotional abuse, manipulation, or contempt, protecting yourself by creating space or quitting the relationship is critical. Being with poisonous people should not jeopardize your emotional or mental well-being.

2. Negative influences: Being around negative influences, such as individuals who frequently pull you down, indulge in destructive habits, or hurt your mental health, can harm your general well-being. It’s critical to prioritize your mental and emotional wellness by avoiding negative influences and seeking positive ones.

3. Unsafe people: It is critical to prioritize your safety by avoiding people who threaten your physical safety or participate in unsafe behaviours. Individuals with a history of violence, criminal activity, or other harmful characteristics may be included. Your safety should always come first.

4. Unsupportive people: If you are surrounded by individuals who are unsupportive, dismissive, or apathetic to your needs, ambitions, or aspirations, you may need to separate yourself from them to prioritize your progress and well-being. Surrounding oneself with people who are encouraging and supportive may improve your life.

Remembering that prioritizing your well-being and defending yourself from toxic people is not selfish but rather self-care. It’s appropriate to create healthy boundaries, restrict exposure to poisonous individuals, and prioritize your safety and well-being.