Envy is commonly characterized as dissatisfaction or hatred towards someone else’s assets, attributes, or achievements. It can occur when one person seeks something that another person possesses and feels inadequate. Envy can emerge in various ways, such as wishing for someone else’s success, monetary goods, relationships, or abilities.

While fear may not be the primary underlying emotion fueling envy, it may play a role in some circumstances. For example, when someone is envious of another person’s successes or belongings, it might be because they fear not being able to reach the same degree of success or obtain the same goods themselves.

Fear of losing quality or concentration from others can also inspire envy. For example, if someone is jealous of a coworker who has gotten a promotion, it might be because they fear being overshadowed or left behind in their profession. In this scenario, jealousy may stem from a worry of not measuring up to the accomplishments of others and hence missing out on acknowledgement of acceptance from others.

If you feel envious, it might be beneficial to consider the underlying emotions and ideas causing it. Increasing self-awareness and focusing on self-esteem and self-confidence can help reduce jealousy and foster a more positive attitude towards others’ triumphs and assets.

Practising appreciation, concentrating on one’s talents and accomplishments, and learning from the triumphs of others may all be valuable tactics for overcoming jealousy and cultivating a positive mentality. In addition, seeking help from trustworthy friends, family members, or a therapist to process and handle any underlying concerns or anxieties contributing to envy may also be therapeutic.