When was the last time you actually read a book or a magazine? Do you read tweets, Facebook updates, or the directions on your instant oatmeal packet on a daily basis? You are losing out if you’re one of those who don’t read on a regular basis.

There are numerous advantages to reading, and here are some of them to encourage you to begin.

Stimulation of the Mind

Because keeping your brain busy and engaged keeps it from losing power, studies have shown that remaining mentally stimulated can slow or even prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Because the brain, like every other muscle in the body, requires exercise to be strong and healthy, the adage “use it or lose it” holds true for your mind.

In terms of cognitive stimulation, puzzles and games like chess have also been proven to be advantageous.

Reduction of Stress

No matter how much stress you are under while at work, in your personal life or in a mixture of other areas of your life, it all fades away when you’re immersed in a good story. A well-written novel can transport you to other worlds, while an interesting article will occupy your attention and keep you in the current now, releasing tensions and helping you to unwind.


Everything you read fills new knowledge in your brain, and you never know when it comes handy. The more knowledge you have, the better prepared you will be to handle any obstacle that comes your way.

Expansion of Vocabulary

The more you read, the more terms you’ll come across, and they’ll eventually find their way into your daily vocabulary. Being eloquent and well-spoken is beneficial in any career, and knowing that you can confidently speak to higher-ups can increase your self-esteem significantly.

Reading books is important for learning new languages because it exposes non-native speakers to words in context, which helps improve their speaking and writing fluency.

Memory Enhancement

When we read a book, we need to remember different characters, their histories, ambitions and nuances, as well as the different sub-plots that run throughout each novel. That’s a lot to remember, but brains are amazing things, and they can retain these facts very easily. Every new memory you form creates new synapses (brain connections) and reinforces existing ones, which helps with short-term memory recall and mood stabilization. Isn’t that amazing?

Also Read: Reading Books By Getting Them Or Through Apps: Which Is More Effective?