A resounding crack or a stunning burst of fireworks in the distance can cause hours of anguish and despair for parents of dogs that are afraid of loud, new noises.

There are a few things you can do to assist your dog remain calm if he becomes uneasy, fearful, or panicked during noisy events like thunderstorms or fireworks.

1. Show him affection and pay him positive attention

If you know that the loud noise of a thunderstorm or fireworks display makes your dog nervous, showing him lots of love and affection in a calm, cheerful manner helps reassure him and keep him safe. Keep your dog quiet and satisfied by petting, cuddling, and massaging him. He should eventually identify the frightening noises with something nice, such as positive attention and love, and will react less frightened.

2. Turn on some music

Certain genres of music have been scientifically demonstrated to calm frightened or fearful dogs, in addition to masking the noise of thunder or explosions. Through a Dog’s Ear is a collection of music CDs designed specifically for canines suffering from a range of anxiety.

3. Use an Anxiety Wrap

While anxiety wrap may appear to be nothing more than a tight-fitting shirt for your dog, when properly fitted, they are designed to offer gentle, even pressure to certain pressure spots on the body, effectively calming your dog. Pet parents who cope with a variety of anxiety issues in their pets swear by the wraps for their ability to rapidly calm a scared dog.

4. Distract your dog’s attention

Bring out some of her favorite toys and engage in some fun playtime with your dog. A fun play session will keep your dog occupied until the source of her fear has passed. Furthermore, she will begin to associate the frightening sounds with enjoyable playtime and, as a result, will become less scared over time.

5. Make a haven for him

If your dog runs to the same position in your house every time the firecracker burst, make it a comfortable place for him. Place his blanket and favorite toy there, supply a favorite long-lasting chew or treat, provide “white noise” such as soft music or a television, and allow him to stay there until he feels comfortable leaving. During stressful circumstances, many dogs find immense comfort inside a box or kennel.

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