Creating an art wall is more than just turning it into a photo gallery. There are numerous strategies and wall décor ideas available to make the wall completely unique to you. We’ve compiled a list of foolproof ways to make your vacuum the X-factor in your home!

Statement Art

The gravitational pull of large artwork may help any environment. It adds a sharp, balanced focal point to the room without detracting from the rest of it. The more graphic aplomb and dialogue your piece incorporates into the room, the larger it is. A big image or painting positioned at eye level will have the greatest impact.

The Gallery Wall

Can’t decide on a single piece of art; perhaps you’d rather have a curated gallery mix? Make your wall look like it belongs in an art gallery. Asymmetrical display design is enhanced when the frames are identical in size, color, and backing, and are set along an equidistant grid. However, for an eclectic fusion, go wild and mix in a motley crew of framed images, drawings, and illustrations in various scales.

Scenic Accent Wall

A large piece of artwork alone can appear flat at times. Starting with something tall, such as a large painting leaning against the wall to heighten the room, introduce a chair off to the side. To add depth to the image, place a pendant light over a stack of books or a vase next to it. If you don’t have enough space, swap the chair for a stool or ottoman for a similar effect.

Decor On Console

The adaptable console table is ideal for use in the entryway, living rooms, bedrooms, or in front of an empty wall. Rather than leaving it bare, stack art frames for your visitors to peruse or attach them just over the console. You can also add an elegant light or a lovely planter to the table, but not all at once. Consoles can thus create a “moment” in which you are forced to stop and watch!

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