During the winter, children are particularly vulnerable to ailments such as sore throats, common colds, flu, pneumonia, stomach flu, acute ear infections, skin issues, and asthma. And if your toddlers become ill during this festive season, the season might turn sour. To keep your toddler from getting sick, make sure they eat the correct foods, stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest.

1) Oily Food

The fat and oil found in animal products such as butter, as well as omega 6 fatty acids, can cause mucus and saliva to thicken. As a result, greasy meals should be avoided during the winter months.

2) Mayonnaise

According to a Times of India report, Mayonnaise is high in histamine, a substance that aids with the body’s allergy defenses. However, during the winter, eating histamine rice foods might stimulate mucus production, which can cause throat issues.

3) Meat

Meat contains a lot of protein, which might cause mucus to be produced. This can cause throat irritation in children, as well as other health issues. To avoid such health issues, it is preferable to eat fish and organic meat.

4) Sugar

To keep your children safe from viral infections, avoid sugary meals. Too much sugar can cause a reduction in white blood cells, increasing the risk of infection and other disorders.

Some things to avoid include sodas, chemical beverages, candy, chocolate, cold drinks, and other processed foods.

5) Dairy products

Dairy products comprise animal proteins, which are hazardous to children during the winter months and can cause congestion, worsening their condition.

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