In today’s generation, kids lose hope and trust very easily. This is because of a lack of self-esteem and confidence. And at such times, kids need support and encouragement, which only their parents can do. And so, here are ways parents can help their kids not give up.

1) Set a good example for your kid to get inspired. Teach them to never give up and how to cope in times of difficulty.

2) Your kid will make numerous mistakes, but it is your responsibility to assist them. Help them correct their mistakes and learn from them. Not just that, discuss with your kid what did go wrong and how they can improve in the future.

3) Don’t just scold them for their mistakes, but also acknowledge what they do good. Whether it is a small or big win, celebrate their accomplishments to help them become more confident and self-assured.

4) Don’t go on forcing to keep up, as perseverance takes time and patience, so be patient and encourage them to grow gradually.

5) When your kid is afraid and doesn’t want to take up a new challenge, encourage them to take chances and make it fine that attempting new things and failing is okay rather than giving up.

6) Assist your kid so that they can make achievable goals by breaking the big ones into smaller ones.

7) Most importantly, everyone talks about success but not about failure. Help your child deal with failure. Make them understand it’s okay to fail and fall. But always be strong enough to stand up again.