Healthy parenting plays a great role in nurturing a child’s brain and behavior. While many parents think that raising hands and using abusive language will help the child to do the right thing, that’s just a thought that doesn’t happen in reality. In real life, child abuse is a tragic reality that leaves deep scars, affecting a child’s emotional, physical, and psychological well-being. These horrifying effects are enough to ruin their whole life with trauma, depression, trust issues, mental health problems and many more.

The common effect of child abuse is emotional stress. A child who faces abuse often becomes scared, depressed and has low self-confidence, which eventually kills their enthusiasm, making them uninterested in anything. The abusive language and actions haunt them like ghosts and the destruction caused is unmeasurable.

On the other hand, physical abuse can leave unimaginable destruction with severe internal and external injuries, malnutrition, and several long-term issues. In addition, this also leads to a weaker immune system and chronic health conditions which have a lasting impact.

Not only this, a child who suffers from child abuse may consider such behavior normal, and they may do the same with their children, leading to greater loss. It is very important to teach children through love, knowledge and patience, rather than abusive language or hitting.