The romance of dusk and daybreak has captivated the audience. During these times, the splendour of the sky’s colours should not be neglected. They are never the same for the simple reason that they are never the same. There isn’t a single sunset that is identical to the previous one. Each sunrise is distinct from the previous one. They’re all one-of-a-kind. Every single one of them.

1. Acceptance and non-resistance:

The sun is shining brightly in the sky. Clouds, rain, or thunderstorms may obscure its brightness. The sun, on the other hand, does not oppose or fight back. Instead, it remains firmly planted in the sky, deferring to the laws of nature and patiently waiting for the ideal moment to brighten the earth once more. Frustration, anxiety, and worry will not assist you. Enjoy every stage of your life. Accept and submit to this new Universal rule. Whatever occurs, keep in mind that it’s all for your own good.

2. Be dependable:

Like a clock, the sun rises and sets every day. There isn’t a single day that the sun doesn’t rise or set. It’s not a good idea to let external events and emotions affect your moods or everyday activities. Most children are terrified and afraid because the lockdown has disturbed their normal school and play activities. Your constancy will not only reassure and soothe them, but it will also help them deal with the transition to a new lifestyle more quietly and with fewer tantrums.

3. Be tenacious:

In the eyes of the sun, no matter how many storms and cyclones occur, they are all fleeting. After it rains, the sun does not disappear; instead, it reappears, brighter than before and occasionally accompanied by a spectacular rainbow. Don’t live your life in fear and regret in the future. Instead, set a good example by being eager and committed to your work. Show grit in your actions rather than just talking about it, and demonstrate that you will always find a way to turn lemons into lemonade, no matter what life throws at you.

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