Sometimes all of us lack inspiration. The good news is that it’s a common struggle and a natural part of the creative process. It’s entirely typical. Read this list of 10 things you can do to be inspired the next time you’re in a creative rut.

1. Alter Your Setting
Get outside and visit a different location. A new setting might inspire you by presenting you with a fresh perspective on things.

2. Discover something fresh
To learn something new, expand your knowledge beyond what you already know. Study the music of Europe in the 17th century, pick up a star chart, or learn 10 words in a foreign language.

3. Make a vision board
Consider your goals for the future and begin visualizing them. Create a vision board by gathering images and statements that describe this existence.

4. Reconnect with nature
Spend some time in the outdoors admiring nature’s breathtaking splendor. Take a trek through the forest, scale a mountain, or just relax with a picnic in your neighborhood park’s pond.

5. Go to a Bookstore Near You
There is a lot of creative inspiration in bookstores. Browse the shelves for a while and let the lovely pictures and intriguing concepts inspire you.

6. Investigate a Fresh Creative Art Form
Try something new and push yourself beyond your creative comfort zone. Writers, consider taking up painting. Make a poem if you’re a musician.

7. Maintain a Notebook to Record Ideas
Keep a notebook nearby so you may record ideas as they come to you. These concepts may not have seemed revolutionary at the time, but they might inspire others in the future.

8. Research the Origins of Your Profession
Find out where your creative endeavor came from, who the forerunners and legends were, and how it developed over time. There is a wealth of inspiration to be discovered in the past of any skill.

9. Examine what others are doing in your field.
Discover the practices of others in your creative industry. When you are out of ideas, a fast Google search may be a terrific source of inspiration.

10. Take in a Different Kind of Music
Look out and give new music a try that isn’t what you generally listen to. What about rap, jazz, or classical music?