Breast cancer develops in the cells of the breasts. The most frequent malignancy found in women is breast cancer. Breast cancer is divided into two types: invasive and non-invasive (or in situ) breast cancer.

The most prevalent kinds of breast cancer are classified into these two categories:

Non-invasive breast cancers:

1. Ductal carcinoma in situ

Ductal carcinoma in situ is a type of cancer that appears in the ducts of the DCIS is a non-invasive condition. The cancer cells in DCIS haven’t penetrated the surrounding breast tissue and are isolated to the ducts in the breast.

2. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)

LCIS (lobular carcinoma in situ) is a type of cancer that develops in the milk gland. The cancer cells haven’t penetrated the surrounding tissue, unlike DCIS.

Invasive breast cancers:

1. Invasive ductal carcinoma

The most prevalent type of breast cancer is invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), which starts in the milk ducts of the breast and then spreads to adjacent tissue. Breast cancer can spread to other neighboring organs and tissue if it has migrated to tissue outside the milk ducts.

2. Invasive lobular carcinoma

Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) begins in the lobules of the breast and spreads to adjacent tissue.

3. Paget’s disease of the nipple

Paget’s disease of the nipple is an uncommon type of breast cancer in which cancer cells arise in the nipple or the surrounding area. Scaly, red, itchy, and irritated nipple and areola are common. Many people who have Paget’s disease also have DCIS or invasive breast cancer in another part of the breast.

4. Inflammatory breast cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer affects the blood vessels in the epidermis and/or the lymphatic vessels of the breast. It is an uncommon and aggressive form of invasive breast cancer. The breasts get red and swollen as a result of this.

5. Phyllodes tumors of the breast

Although the majority of phyllodes tumors are benign, some are cancerous. Phyllodes tumors are fast-growing tumors that rarely disseminate outside the breast. Phyllodes tumors form in the connective tissue or stroma of the breast.

6. Locally advanced breast cancer

Locally progressed breast cancer is a type of invasive breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other adjacent sites such as the skin, chest wall, or muscle, and may have substantial lymph node involvement.

7. Metastatic breast cancer

Breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body such as the liver, lungs, and bones is classified as metastatic breast cancer. They are also known as advanced, secondary, or stage 4 breast cancer.

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Also Read: Stages of Breast Cancer