An avoidant personality disorder is classified among other personality disorders that are characterised by uneasiness and fear. People with this condition are so afraid of rejection that they would rather be alone than risk being rejected in a relationship. People with this illness have a wide range of behavioural patterns, from mild to severe.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, patients with this illness have the following characteristics in addition to their dread of humiliation and rejection:

  • They are overly sensitive, and criticism or rejection can quickly harm them.
  • They have few, if any, close friends and are hesitant to get engaged with people unless they are confident that they will be appreciated.
  • In social situations and interactions, they experience great anxiety (nervousness) and fear, prompting them to avoid activities or employment that need them to interact with others.
  • Because they are afraid of making a mistake or being embarrassed, they are shy, awkward, and self-conscious in social situations.
  • They tend to exaggerate possible issues.
  • They rarely try new things or take risks.
  • They have low self-esteem and believe they are inadequate and inferior.

Cleveland Clinic claims that Treatment for personality disorders is difficult because people with these diseases have long-standing patterns of thought and behaviour. People with avoidant personality disorder, on the other hand, are strong candidates for treatment because their disease causes them significant suffering, and the majority of them wish to form relationships. People with an avoidant personality disorder may find that this desire motivates them to stick to their treatment plans.

The primary treatment for avoidant personality disorder, as with other personality disorders, is psychotherapy. Individual counselling that focuses on modifying a person’s thinking and behaviour is known as psychotherapy. The focus of therapy is likely to be on conquering fears, altering cognitive processes and actions, and assisting the client in better coping with social circumstances.

An antidepressant or anti-anxiety medicine may be used to assist manage the anxiety that patients with this illness experience. However, pharmacological therapy should be used in conjunction with psychotherapy for the best effects. The most effective treatment for patients with this disease is when family members are involved and supportive.

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Also Read: What Is Avoidant Personality Disorder?