Take a look at some creative & effective ideas for dry & frizzy hair

Tea Rinse

Tea can be used for more than just a pick-me-up or to soothe a sore throat. It’s a terrific hair colour enhancer as well as a hair rinse that gives your hair a natural shine. After you’ve finished your typical shampoo procedure, add unsweetened freshly brewed tea as a last rinse.

Black tea is recommended for brunettes since it enhances their hair colour, whereas chamomile tea is recommended for blondes. This method can be used as often as you want.

Protein Enhanced Shampoo

Infuse a little protein into your hair to strengthen your strands and restore dry, brittle ends. This can be accomplished by using an egg mixed with a small bit of shampoo as a hair treatment.

Allow it to sit for five minutes before thoroughly rinsing. If making your own protein treatments isn’t your thing, there are plenty of protein treatments available at your local beauty supply store.

DIY Hair Rinse

If you swim, the harsh components in seawater and the chemicals in the pool might cause your hair to become brittle. So, before you go swimming, protect your hair with this simple DIY hair rinse. Simply dilute 1/4 cup apple cider with 3/4 cup water and use it to wash your hair. Apply a hydrating conditioner of your choice after that.

Use Of Hot Oil

Warm half a cup of extra virgin olive oil, taking care not to boil it. Cover your hair with a shower cap after massaging this oil into it. To keep the heat in, wrap yourself with a towel. Allow at least 45 minutes for the moisture to build up in the oil. Shampoo and rinse after that.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a fantastic hair elixir for damaged hair, and it works well on thick and heavy hair as well. After wetting your hair with water, thoroughly coat it with the oil. If you don’t like coconut oil, botanical oils like sweet almond, olive, or jojoba oil are excellent substitutes.

For efficient deep conditioning, wear a shower cap and wrap your hair in a thick warm towel. Rinse with shampoo to get rid of the oil.

Another DIY Idea

Combine 3 egg whites, 2 tablespoons olive oil, and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar in a bowl to revive your damaged and lifeless hair. Apply the mixture to your hair and cover it with a shower hat.

After half an hour, shampoo your hair and rinse away the treatment and cleanser.

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