Rectal cancer can be diagnosed by a variety of examinations. Rectal cancer can be diagnosed after you indicate symptoms or if your doctor discovers something during a screening test that is not normal. For diagnosis of Rectal Cancer certain tests will be conducted, which include, blood tests, Imaging tests, biopsy, diagnostic colonoscopy and proctoscopy.

Your doctor may also remove a sample of tissue for testing. If any doubtful areas are found, your doctor can pass surgical equipment through the colonoscope to take tissue samples for examination and remove polyps.

Treatment for Rectal Cancer

Rectal cancer is treated depending on the stage of cancer. Staging specifies the severity of cancer. Options for treatment can comprise the practice of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

1. Surgery

Rectal cancer is mostly treated with surgery to eliminate the cancer cells. The type of operation that is suitable for you depends on your particular situation, such as the location and stage of your cancer, how severe the cancer cells are and your general health.

2. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy uses pills to eradicate cancer cells. For rectal cancer, chemotherapy may be advised after surgery to kill any cancer cells that may have remained.

3. Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy utilizes powerful energy sources, such as X-rays and protons, to destroy cancer cells.

4. Targeted drug therapy

Targeted drug therapies concentrate on particular abnormalities present within cancer cells. By obstructing these abnormalities, targeted drug therapies can cause cancer cells to die.

5. Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is a medical treatment that utilizes your immune system to combat cancer. Your body’s disease-fighting immune system may not damage your cancer because the cancer cells generate proteins that enable them to defend themselves from the immune system cells. So Immunotherapy can be helpful.

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