Alcohol contains ethanol which is produced from the fermentation of different foods like fruits, grains, and sugar. It is banned in a few states in India due to its various adverse effects on health. When consumed in excess it can be very injurious to health. When consumed alcohol goes into your veins traveling into your body. It slows down your brain, Slows down your reflexes, making your brain drowsy. It is short-term and can be addictive. Here’s how consuming alcohol affects the human body?

Affects your sexual health.

Drunk sex may seem quite fun but it’s not the case. Heavy drinking can cause erectile dysfunction in men and also reduce sperm count. Women may stop menstruating after heavy drinking. Drinking too much can put both genders at risk of infertility. Alcohol is also prohibited for pregnant women.

Affect your immune system.

During these covid times, people want their immune system to be strong. Drinking can lower your immune response. People having drinking problems are at a greater risk of getting attacked by viruses.


After a continuous drinking session, If your body is not able to purify your blood you can face alcohol poisoning. People can have a heart attack, seizure, fluctuating blood pressure which can also lead to death.


Drink and drive lead to around 12000 deaths every according to a report.

Alcohol slows your brain down and your reflexes which leads to accidents. Many families are affected due to this.

Improper digestion, Effect on sugar levels, effect on the nervous system, these are various problems that arise due to the consumption of alcohol.

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