Dental hygiene

According to studies, the most common cause of foul breath is inadequate oral care. If you want to maintain your mouth healthy, you must avoid plaque formation. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes at least twice a day (morning and night). Some people recommend brushing after each meal to prevent tooth decay and bad breath. To prevent bacteria from growing on food lodged between your teeth, floss at least once a day.


For foul breath, parsley is a common traditional treatment. Its deodorising properties are suggested by its fresh fragrance and high chlorophyll content. Parsley has been demonstrated in studies to efficiently fight nasty sulphur compounds. Chew fresh parsley leaves after each meal or purchase a parsley nutritional supplement here to help with foul breath.

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice is frequently touted as the quickest and most effective treatment for bad breath. Despite the lack of scientific data, anecdotal evidence suggests that this idea is useful. Have a glass of organic pineapple juice or chew a pineapple slice for one to two minutes after each meal. It’s also important to remember to rinse your mouth afterwards to get rid of the sugars in the fruit and juice.


Lactobacillus bacteria can be found in yoghurt. These good bacteria can help fight bad bacteria in your stomach and other parts of your body. Yoghurt has been shown in studies to aid with bad breath. According to a study, after six weeks of consuming yoghurt, 80% of individuals had less bad breath. Yoghurt contains probiotics that help to reduce the intensity of foul breath. Consume at least one serving of plain, non-fat yoghurt per day to combat bad breath.

Also Read: Bad Breath Is An Unfortunate Situation For Everybody Involved: Here’s How You Can Combat It With These Home Remedies