· Sleeping for more than 7 hours

Many of you might have the habit of sleeping for 9-10 hrs or more and many of us not even sleep for at least 7 hours. Using mobile phones instead of sleeping is very common in today’s generation.Sleeping for less than 6 hours per day for a long time can cause many health problems and also weaken your immunity so this habit of yours should be given up right away.

· Smoking and drinking

Today’s young generation is too much into smoking and drinking because they find it cool. It is absolutely not cool at all and should be stopped immediately. Both smoking and drinking have severe side effects on your health. And you wouldn’t want to be unhealthy at this age.

· Being negative

Many people always have negative thoughts on their minds. They keep finding negatives in every situation. It is a very annoying habit and should be given up. Continuously being negative not only affects your mental health but also attract negativity to you. According to the book. The secret you attract what you think. So think positive. Every time you have a negative thought replace it with a positive one.

· Sleeping with your make up on

If you are someone who applies makeup regularly you might want to know this. Sleeping with your makeup on can have bad effects on your skin. It can cause clogged pores, acne, spots etc.

Therefore always clean your face with a face wash before going to sleep no matter how tired you are.

· Overeating

Devouring is a very bad habit and can cause obesity. When you eat more than required you start gaining weight. More fat is stored in different parts of your body and you become obese. Obesity comes with various heart and lung diseases. So if you have the habit of overeating give it up asap.

· Biting your nails

Some of you might have the habit of biting nails regularly, some of you bite your nails when you are nervous. Whatever it is you must stop it right now. It showcases your personality negatively and also puts germs in your mouth.

· Lying a lot

Humans lie but to a certain limit. Lying a little or a lot is not a good habit at all. If you are lying a lot you’ll always have to remember what you lied about and someday you are going to be caught and this might cause you mental trauma. So avoid lying.