· Garlic


a. Helps prevent heart disease

b. Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure

c. Prevents dementia, Alzheimer’s and similar degenerative diseases

d. Improves digestive health

· Holy basil& basil


a. Reduces stress

b. Strong antibacterial properties

c. Rich source of antioxidants

d. Prevents some harmful effects of aging

e. Reduces inflammation and swelling

f. Strengthens bones and liver

g. Boosts immunity

h. Boosts metabolism

i. Improves digestion

· Neem


a. Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

b. Use as Insecticide

c. Increases immunity

d. Natural toothbrush

e. Better hair health

f. Treat skin disorder

g. Heals wounds

· Aloe Vera


a. antioxidant and antibacterial properties

b. accelerates wound healing

c. reduces dental plaque

d. helps treat canker sores

e. Heartburn relief

· Peppermint


a. Relieves allergies

b. Soothes muscle pain

c. Relieves headaches

d. Reduces nausea, gas and indigestion

e. Supports digestive health

f. Treats bad breath

g. Highly antibacterial

· Calendula


a. Internally it is used to treat fevers and chronic infections.

b. The tea of the petals tones up circulation and, taken regularly, eases varicose veins.

c. Treat bites

d. stings

e. sprains

f. wounds

g. sore eyes

h. varicose veins

· Thyme


a. Soothes sore throats and coughs

b. Improves blood circulation

c. Treats respiratory problems

d. Supports immune system

· Fenugreek


a. painful menstruation

b. labour pains

c. freshen bad breath

d. restore a dull sense of taste

e. encourage weight gain

f. inhibit cancer of the liver

g. lower blood cholesterol levels

h. treat inflammation and ulcers of the stomach and intestines

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