Common signs of a cold or flu include sneezing, scratchy throat, and runny nose. It’s hard to concentrate on your favorite pastimes when your throat is scratchy, your nose is blocked and runny, and you can’t stop coughing and sneezing. Your immune system is putting forth a lot of effort during these tough times. Common colds and coughs are still often treated at home in many Indian households. Without having any side effects, these treatments are incredibly effective for curing the flu.

Learn more about several home remedies for the flu and the cold by reading on.

1.Ginger tea

The presence of substances called gingerols and shogaols is what gives ginger its medicinal properties. A few pieces of raw, fresh ginger, either in tea or boiling water, may aid to ease cold and flu symptoms. Ginger tea keeps you hydrated while easing congestion and settling an unsettled stomach.

2.Milk and turmeric

For daily protection against the common cold and flu, several experts suggest mixing one teaspoon of turmeric with one cup of warm milk. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric are well established.


Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids found in abundance in flaxseeds enhance your immune system by protecting you from germs and viruses. They can also help you fight off colds and the flu.

4. Water, lime juice, and honey

Lemon helps to remove mucous, making it easier to purge. The virus-causing organisms are cleaned out by the peroxides in honey, on the other hand. This dosage is quite effective for enhancing metabolism and digestion.

5. Amla

Amla has long been used as a potent at-home remedy for the flu and the common cold. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which boosts the production of white blood cells in the body and helps the body fight against many diseases and maladies.

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