Categories: Health and Fitness

5 Health Benefits Of Amla

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberries, grows on the same-named flowering tree. Amla is rich in vitamin C and is loaded with antioxidants. Amla consumption on a regular basis may protect us from a variety of illnesses, including the common cold, cancer, and infertility. According to Ayurveda experts, amla can help balance the three doshas (Kapha, Vista and Pitta) in the body and eradicate the root cause of many ailments.

Here are 5 health benefits of Amla

1. Helps to deal with the common cold

When compared to store-bought supplements, the vitamin C in amla is more easily absorbed by the body. When you have a cold or a cough, mix two teaspoons of amla powder with two teaspoons of honey and take it three to four times a day for immediate relief, or once a day for long-term prevention.

2. Improves eyesight

Vitamin A is abundant in amla berries, which is important for eye health. It not only improves vision but may also reduce the chance of age-related macular degeneration. Vitamin C in amla helps to protect your eyes by combating bacteria, which can help prevent conjunctivitis (pink eye) and other diseases.

3. Immunity

The antibacterial and astringent qualities of amla help the immune system function better. Amla, as an antioxidant, can help to prevent and heal damage.

4. Good for hair

Amla improves hair quality by slowing greying, preventing dandruff, strengthening hair follicles, and increasing blood circulation to the scalp. Amla also works as a natural conditioner, resulting in silky, shiny tresses.

5. Diabetes control

The soluble fiber in amla absorbs fast in the body, decreasing the rate at which sugar is absorbed. This may aid in the reduction of blood sugar increases. In persons with type 2 diabetes, amla berries have a beneficial effect on blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

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Also Read: Is Dark Chocolate Healthy?


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