Women are constantly looking for a way to make their skin look whiter and brighter. It is a natural desire, and it’s easy to see why.

Unfortunately, this quest for perfection can lead us down some dark paths. We can end up doing things that aren’t good for our skin—things like getting laser treatments or using harsh chemicals on our faces. These things may seem like they’ll help you get rid of those pesky dark spots, but they won’t—and they could actually make them worse!

Here are three mistakes women make when trying to lighten their dark spots:

Not using enough sunscreen

The first thing to check when looking for dark spots is whether or not you’re using enough sunscreen. The SPF factor should be at least 15 with daily use on all parts of your body. If you don’t wear any makeup at all, this is even more important because your skin will absorb more UV rays than when you do wear makeup.

If it’s summertime and there’s no way around spending time in the sun, then make sure that you reapply every 2 hours after swimming or sweat-related activities. Make sure to apply generously so that it covers all exposed areas—including those around your eyes—in order to protect yourself from harmful UV rays.

Wearing Too Much Makeup

The thing is you should know that wearing too much makeup isn’t good for anyone’s complexion. It clogs pores, which allows bacteria and oil production to build up in those pores, which leads to breakouts and other problems down the road. Plus it just looks bad! So don’t wear makeup if it doesn’t make sense for you or your look.

Using Too Many Cleansers

The second thing? Using too many cleansers—and especially too many hot ones! Hot cleansers can dry out.

Also Read: Healthy ways to get rid of dark spots at home