Think of yourself as a firefighter.

You can put out the fires of anxiety with a few deep breaths. Gently and deeply inhale and exhale. Slowing down your breathing can trick your body into thinking you’re relaxing or sleeping.

Calm your agitated mind.

“I can’t bear this; this is dreadful!” are anxiety-inducing thoughts. Instead, consider what you can and cannot change about the circumstance. Then do everything you can to change the things you can and accept the things you can’t.

Take a step back and look at things from a different angle.

Anxiety might arise as a result of worrying excessively about a wide range of concerns that aren’t important in the long run. Consider how this will influence you in the next five minutes, months, or years.

Unwind and relax.

Use a yoga mat to stretch, or rub a tennis ball beneath your foot or behind your back. Discover methods for gently relaxing your body. It’s time to have a conversation about it. Even acknowledging your feelings, according to study, can help you relax. It’s lot easier to do when you express your feelings with others.

Don’t dismiss it out of hand.

Anxiety is a symptom that something has to be done about it. Don’t ignore this warning sign; seek help from an expert. Other options should be ruled out as well. Medical conditions can sometimes pass for anxiety or mimic its symptoms. Remember to get your annual physical.

Allow for some time to pass.

You have to let fear come and go sometimes, just like riding a wave. It’s crucial to keep in mind that it will fade and that “this, too, shall pass.” Keep in mind this..

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