1. “It’s okay for you to be sad.”

People can feel ashamed of their post-breakup grief, especially if it was a brief, passionate fling or someone they know they’d be better off without. Validating your friend’s emotions provides her permission to work through them and move on. After you’ve assured him or her that it’s perfectly normal to be sad, let him or her know that you’re always willing to listen.”

2. “I promise, you’ll be much happier.”

Coming prepared with proof is the key to persuading her to trust this one; else, it may appear generically insincere.” Make a list of specific reasons why they’d be better off without the ex. It doesn’t have to be anything big; anything that encourages her to see the positive aspects of being single would suffice.

3. “This isn’t how you’ll always feel.”

When you’re grieving the loss of a former relationship, it can be difficult to remember the excitement of a new one. When a friend puts things into perspective, it’s very beneficial. Heartbreak does not last indefinitely. You sense it, accept it, and hope to find someone better in the future. Just make sure you say it with an I’m-cheering-you-on tone because the wrong tone could make it appear as if you’re dismissing their feelings.

4. “It’s perfectly acceptable to have a lousy day.”

“The phrase “one day at a time” is common, but the principle applies to heartbreak as well. Remind your acquaintance of positive achievements and events that are now taking place. Allowing someone to grieve and giving them space to do so can help them find the strength to make the next day a little easier. Most breakups necessitate more than one day of mourning, which is why this is a better strategy than ignoring bad feelings.

Also Read: Simple Techniques For Letting Go Of Anxious Thoughts And Being Happy