Rage, anger, or hatred are normal emotions but allowing them to consume you can cost you happiness. It turns problematic if it leads to violence, aggression, or outburst.

Here are few tips to control your rage before it escalates and cause further damage:

1. Count Down

Count down is believed to lower your heart rate which subsides your anger. You can count up to 10 and if you are really angry, 100 is a good start.

2. Deep Breaths

Rage turns your breathing shallow. When you are angry, take slow deep breaths from your nose and exhale from your mouth.

3. Go for a Walk

Walking is a good way to calm your raging nerves. You can even go riding, biking or anything that gets your limps pumping.

4. Follow a Mantra

Use and repeat a word or a phrase to help you calm down. For example, you can use ‘take it easy’ as a mantra to relax.

5. Mental Escape

Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and drift off to an imaginary land that will help you relax. Observe the details in the calming scene.

6. Play Some Music

You can overcome the feeling of hatred or anger by listening to some peaceful music or your favorite ones. The music will sway your anger away.

7. Practice Empathy

Place yourself in another person’s shoes and consider the situation from their perspective. It will help you understand their story and relieve your anger.

8. Talk to a Friend

It is always good to talk your anger out with the most trusted person. It gives you time to process the situation that caused you anger or rage.

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Also Read: How To Control Your Rage