For many years, efforts have been taken to advance women’s social, economic and political rights while maintaining gender equality.

Research has shown that gender equality improves the quality of life and maintains happiness in society.

The United Nations have made gender equality a part of Sustainable Development Goals not only for gender equality but also for eliminating poverty, promoting health and generating economic growth.

Many great thinkers since Aristotle claimed that government affects the life satisfaction of the society and that their main purpose is to make its people happy. Political powers affect the way people live their life. Moreover, the rights and freedoms and the control over one’s life provides satisfaction and improves quality of life.

A study was carried out to test the critics of gender equality that stated empowerment of women has a negative impact on society.

The research established a substantial effect that gender equality has a large positive impact on the satisfaction of one’s life. Providing equal rights to men and women results in societal benefits.

Additionally, advancing the rights of women does not reduce men’s rights. The study points out that gender equality modestly raises life satisfaction for both women as well as men. It helps them succeed and find happiness not only in society but also in the workplace.

According to the Blogs.Ise report, prioritizing gender equality is the way by which the government can promote happiness and well-being in the society. In short, gender equality is beneficial for the society and it supports in building a better and happy life.

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