For a happy, healthy and a long life, you need to make healthy and good choices. Here are the good healthy habits that can keep you happy and help you live longer.

1. Eat Healthy Food

Eating healthy food packed with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals keeps you full and energised.

2. Always Smile

When you smile, you tend to be happy because the simple action of smiling releases dopamine in your system.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night keeps you in good health and maintains the proper functioning of your brain.

4. Compliment Others

Research suggests that small acts of kindness towards your colleagues will brighten up their day and, in turn, make you feel satisfied and happy.

5. Exercise

Exercise works towards reducing stress and boosting confidence and happiness. Consider simple exercises such as morning or night walks or some stretching will do too for beginners.

6. Always Be Grateful

Make it a ritual of practicing gratitude on a daily basis. Keep an eye on all the good things in life and be grateful for it.

7. Spent Time with Yourself

Keep your phone aside and let your mind wander. Make yourself feel at peace by doing something that you like.

8. Be in the Presence of Nature

Nature is the best therapy to calm your thoughts. It also reduces your stress and worry and makes you feel happy.

9. Take Care of Your Body

Always go for a routine check up to your primary care physician. Try some self-care or skin-care techniques and make yourself feel beautiful.

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