While we all enjoy the comfort of our homes, staying inside all day is not very healthy. Certain nutrients that the outside supplies must be consumed by your mind and body. There are multiple advantages to being outside that can help you enhance your mental health. Spending meaningful time outside can help them cope with the symptoms of their mental illness.


Just 20-30 minutes spent outside has been shown to lower stress levels. Even gardening has been proven to alleviate stress symptoms. A Japanese study focused on the effects of Shinrin-yoku (inhaling the forest atmosphere or forest bathing) discovered that spending just a few minutes outside can lower cortisol levels, the stress-causing natural chemical in the body. Being outside helps to ease muscle tension and stress.


Some aspects of the outdoors can’t be seen or replicated indoors. Direct sunlight and fresh air are two things you won’t find indoors, yet both have countless mental and physical health benefits. Natural sunlight might help you feel better about yourself and enhance your mood. Serotonin is your body’s natural mood stabilizer, and it can help you feel better while reducing the symptoms of despair and anxiety. More research suggests that UV radiation stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s feel-good neurotransmitter, by melanocytes, the cells that produce dark skin pigment.


Spending time outside can help you feel less anxious and depressed. Spending time in a green environment enhances mood and self-esteem, according to a review of ten studies. Those suffering from mental illness experienced significant increases in self-esteem as well as a reduction in depression symptoms. Ecotherapy is a type of traditional treatment that is used in conjunction with other therapies. It entails exercising or engaging in regular outdoor activities. It has been shown to aid with minor episodes of depression on multiple occasions.

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